Map of Central America

Map of Central America
Guatemala and Nicaragua

First Up - 3 weeks in Guatemala

First Up - 3 weeks in Guatemala
Our Itinerary: Antigua, Chichi, Quetzal (XELA), Lake Atitilan

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Arrival in Antigua, Guatemala!

Street Mime and Cobblestones
Flights, 3 of them, were uneventful. Arrived here last Thursday night. Antigua is as we remember. Historical, quaint cobblestones, stucco buildings and charming. If you want to know more, check out link on this blog re: Guatemala wiki. Walked the churches, did the Saturday market filled with beautiful fruits, vegetables, icky looking meat and a 1000 or more shoppers. Later, we took a bus to nearby town of San Antonio and just vegged in our lovely hotel with beautiful roofdeck view of all 3 volcanos in the area. Check out a few pics!

Trees in purple bloom from our hotel roof

View from our roofdeck Vocan Agua
Street decor before procession tramples on. Its the
creation which is the spritual part not the trampling.

Baroque style Catedral La Merced
Sunday was chilly for this time of 50F. Day started with us following a funeral procession where pallbearers were 6 men who switched off to have 6 women carry the casket. Very impressive. But not nearly amazing as the holiday procession we followed later in the day. This is a celebration in advance of the holy Semana Santa week leading up to Easter. Big deal around here!!! Check out all the purple (Francine's
fav color). Thousands of locals, some tourists and more walk the streets of Antigua carrying these HUGE ceremonial platforms. Again, one for the men and one for the ladies. And I thought I could carry my weight, but not when it comes to these things! I'm told tourists can pay $75 to help carry for a street or two. Thanks but "no way, Jose". The night only got better when one of the active volcanos erupted, about 8 miles away, so no worries for our safety. It blew its lava flames/fumes approximately 100m into the air. A beautiful site on a cold, clear, dark night.    

Purple People all sizes and shapes
Equal opportunity for gals to carry the platform.

They couldn't pay me enough!
Tomorrow, first day of project work! Get a load of my transportation to my school up in the mountains of El Hato. Woo Hoo. A BIG GOOD DAY WISH for brother Bob who is having hip surgery, Francine, Betty and Randi. Thinking of you all and then some.  Buen Suerte.
Her name is Cellie

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