Map of Central America

Map of Central America
Guatemala and Nicaragua

First Up - 3 weeks in Guatemala

First Up - 3 weeks in Guatemala
Our Itinerary: Antigua, Chichi, Quetzal (XELA), Lake Atitilan

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Big Corn and Little Corn Islands - aka Paradise

Well, took a small plane to over the Caribbean waters off Nicaragua, and to visit Big Corn Island for 2 days, followed by a 40 minute "panga" boat ride to visit Little Corn Island for 3 days. Pictures tell a 1000 words, so get ready for lots of em. Big Corn has 12,000 people, roads, buses, taxis and lots of local residents who work in the fish factory in "town" as well as the sugar cane fields. You can go anywhere on the island for a flat fee of 15 cords per person....or just over a $1 for the two of us. We stayed in a lovely thatched bungalo on the edge of the island, run by an Italian family. Take a look.
Click for more about the Corn Islands

Next was Little Corn Island. 1200 people, NO roads, cars or taxis here. Two "sidewalks" and trails that cover the small island, palm trees, coconuts, sandy beaches, coral reefs and lots of dogs (more later on this subject). Quite simply, paradise. We stayed in a small but wonderfully comfortable beach shack with terrace, hammocks and a great view. Yes, bathroom was private and in the room (an upgrade) but, shower was outside (attached) and WONDERFUL. Water, air and wind, all the same temperature. Constant winds made for no need for fan or AC (which wasn't available anyway). What a wonderful place to chill and review our wonderful six weeks in Guatemala and Nicaragua, our volunteering experience, the people and just RELAX.

Path to right is on Little Corn to our place (in pink with blue door) at Casa Iguana on the left.

Until......(scary music lead up if I had it).......the calf of my leg found its way into the gripping teeth of a not so friendly German Shepard! What the heck??? I was simply going to ask for directions at a hotel off the beach. I'm fine, now, but not without the help of Alvin, our hero fisherman who came to the rescue and took me (and Aaron) by boat back to our hotel, our new friend and nurse, Alicia from Vancouver and several kind folks since our return. The best is after 6 days of trying to connect, we confirmed with the dogs owner, no rabies, no need for treatment other than to have my 3 puncture wounds heal. NOT THE BEST WAY TO END A FABULOUS visit to paradise and 6 week trip, but sh..t happens! Anyway, enjoy the pics. More pics will be added to photo link on blog and and FB if ya want to see more? So, what's next? We are home:), looking forward to seeing friends, family and good weather in Boston.  Talk soon. Susan and Aaron
View out our window! Tranquilo.

Alvin, my hero who came to my rescue